Preparing For Your Board Meeting

Managing a board of directors is time-consuming, difficult and require a lot of effort. Luckily, a lot of the old manual processes that used to be necessary (sending materials for the board as well as recording attendance, writing minutes, and arranging meetings via teleconferencing) are now digital making it much simpler to prepare for your meeting.

The process of preparing for your board meeting begins with a thorough analysis of the issues to be discussed. Prepare a draft agenda. The agenda should be emailed to all attendees and ideally includes financial information for the company and any presentation materials that require review prior to the meeting. This will allow your board members to prepare for the discussion during the meeting. It also prevents you from spending the majority of the board meeting discussing issues that could have been covered prior to the meeting.

The pre-meeting package should also include any reports written by committee chairs or other board members in advance. Make any changes, additions or corrections to the previous board minutes that you have approved and distribute them for review and distribution. Last but not least, be sure to create a draft version of the minutes of the meeting as they are fresh in your mind.

The day prior to the board meeting, take away any notices for public meetings and verify the venue for the meeting to ensure that it is available and accessible. It should also have what is azeus convene software any AV equipment you require. Also, be sure that all directors have been invited to the meeting and have the option to participate, either in person or via remote.

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